Sunday, February 17, 2008


Valentine's Day!
Here is our little artist. She had finished helping me with Joe's card and was on to her next masterpiece. As you can see, she is feeling much better but still fighting the ear infection.
Here is her hand. I tried to get her to hold still and show me her hands but she wouldn't. So I am forcing her! She had it on her clothes and face too. Typical, I know.

I gave Joe a banana tree that was half off because it was so ugly! He has wanted one for a long time because it reminds him of home. Aren't I romantic! He gave me chocolates and made me a candlelight breakfast. You can see the card Siosi and I crafted together.
Here is Kalo trying to roll over. Not quite there yet!

1 comment:

Joel & Lila said...

So sweet!! I hope the banana tree flourishes and that you have more than you could ever eat so that we can partake!!

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