Kalolaine has arrived! She was born Novemeber 7 at 6:06pm. I am so thrilled to finally have her with us. This pregnancy has been a breeze compared to the last and so was the labor. I didn't have to resort to any castor oil or other witches brew to start the labor. I came very close, however. The day before I had her I did a jog/walk to the church for our exercise class where I did laps around the gym. Then I did a jog/walk back home. I wasn't moving very fast for a normal person but for a big pregnant lady it was! I started into labor in the middle of the night and checked into the hospital by 1pm. I didn't think the labor pains were that bad until the car ride over. My mom drove me since Joe was working. He met us at the hospital. Luckily I had it all planned out and had packed extra clothes and things for him to take a shower at the hospital. So once we arrived, I began progressing very fast. I had an epidural soon after arrival and the rest was wonderful. I am such a fan of epidurals! It worked very well and didn't wear off this time. By 6:06 Kalo arrived! She is healthy and strong. Much larger than Siosi was. She was 8lbs 2oz and 19 1/2inches tall (Why do we say long?) So all in all this time around was a good experience. Un fortunaltely we have most of our pictures on my mom's camera. Joe only took these ones. This picture marks what I will be doing for the next 18 months (hopefully) with Kalo. It was the first time I changed her diaper!

Getting Kalo ready for her picture.

Siosi getting to know Kalo. She adores her. She always wants to hold her and give her uma (kisses). It is fun to watch them.

Here she is all ready to go home!
Congratulations! I had already heard but thanks for the details and the pictures! Can you send me a phonetic pronounciation of her name? She looks very fair! But she has some eyebrows! How distinguished! Do you think she has as much hair as Siosi did? Hope everything is going good at home for you and she is being a sweet baby and sleeping good! Love to you all, Auntie Rana
congratulations aleta! she's beautiful. and siosi has the most beautiful eyes of any little girl i've seen.
glad to hear all is well - i'm going to link you to our blog too!
What a fun adventure! I was so excited to hear that you had the baby, and more excited to meet her in person! I hope you can adjust and get some reasonable amount of sleep! See you soon!
Aleta! Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear that your pregnancy was so much more enjoyable this time around. Kalo is really cute, just like her sister. Thanks for letting me be a part of all this through your blog.
-Rachel Stratford
Congratulations! She is beautiful. Good job, Aleta. We love you and can't wait to see her!
Oh my gosh she is so freakin cute I want to scream! Can't wait to hold her. Yep, I think her and Ty are going to get married someday since they are both so cute. Love you!!!
Congratulations on the new addition to the family! She's (baby)beautiful and so is Siosi!
Joe how've you been?? It's your cousin Siosi from Sydney... Hope all is well ...Many blessings to you and your family...
Ofa atu
Siosi and fam :)
Dear Joe, Aleta, and Siosi,
What a happy time! Such beautiful little girls! Is Siosi enjoying the roll of big sister? How very exciting! Love to all. Aunt Janie
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