Here I am getting measured by
Julene. Everyone had to guess how many T.P. squares around I was. Can you guess? Surprisingly enough almost everyone guessed right.
OK I was a whopping 11 squares! Does that compare to what you measure? I hope not, if you aren't pregnant that is.

A very good friend of mine who I have know almost my whole life loves to spoil. She gave this rocking horse and the dress below among other things.
Siosi goes wild on that horse. The thing makes neighing sounds and moves it's face and tail.
Siosi yells at me to turn it on as she rides it. She rides so hard it seems as if she'll do a 360.

I'm going to have
Siosi wear this dress for Christmas this year.
Kalo will never know...

Here I am opening something...

Here I am thinking about what I opened. Or maybe I was thinking about all those toilet paper squares I was measured with.
These are the braves souls who lasted till the end of the shower. Some had to leave early. What a party! As of today I only have 12 days left till my due date. Hopefully I won't make it. I have officially found a nun costume for
Halloween though. At least I have some incentive to not have the baby early. Also, I really would like to go trick or treating this year. It will be
Siosi's first time! Who could miss that! The last time I went was with Sarah (girl pictured above to far left holding handsome babe) when we were seniors in high school. It would be nice to freshen up my skills again.
It is great to see that things are going well! I wish you luck on delivering early...let me know if you need anything!
Wow. I think I know who the spoiling gifter was!:) it's fun to see old friends in the pictures! Best of luck in the coming weeks...you'll do great. Let me know if I can do anything from afar, but come July, I can babysit for you from Bend! Fun to see Sarah in the pic as well! Miss you and love you!
Em Mc
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