Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jingle Bells

With the new baby being born, I've had some pretty hectic days. Yesterday as I was changing another one of Kalo's famous exploding diapers, I was inspired to write this little ditty to the tune of "Jingle Bells." I'm sure all you moms out there will feel me on this one!! You can listen to the low budget music video of it below.

Dashing through the stores,

Kids screaming in my face,

Can't this Wal Mart checker,

Quicken up the pace?

There's so much to do,

Don't have time to pee,

Why does Christmas shopping,

Always fall to me?

Oh, runny nose, stinky toes,

There's laundry I can't play!

I've been changing diapers all throughout the day...

Stinky one, yellow ones, wet ones ho ho ho,

I'm so jolly happy,

Oh mothers don't you know!


Anonymous said...


I loved your song!! Thanks for "singing" it to me! Merry Christmas!


Joel & Lila said...

So funny!! Joel's first words when he saw Kalo was "oh sick"...hahahaha

I wonder how he is going to handle that when the time comes...on second thought, I wonder how I am going to handle that...ewwewwewe

Stefanek Fam Damily said...

hilarious! love the song! and the diaper blowout, don't miss those days at all! hope you guys have a merry Christmas! and that you get disgustingly wealthy from your business.

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